Sit Down With A Divorce Attorney in Round Rock, TX

Split Your Assets Peacefully

Streltsov Family Law, PLLC in Round Rock, Texas handles all types of divorce, including contested and uncontested. If you and your spouse have come to an agreement about the terms of your divorce, that is considered an uncontested divorce. This is often the fastest, most cost-effective way to get a divorce.

We provide counsel for uncontested divorces at a flat rate. You'll work with a divorce attorney for one guaranteed price that includes all court costs, fees and the attorney's time.

To speak to a divorce attorney about your case, call Streltsov Family Law today.

Military divorces require different considerations

A military divorce follows all the same steps as any other divorce in the state of Texas. However, military divorces often include unique provisions to address issues like military retirement, child custody and access provisions while the service member is deployed. Attorney Streltsov will explain your options to help you make a wise decision.

Contested divorces cause arguments over assets

Contested divorces cause arguments over assets

A contested divorce doesn't necessarily mean you contest the divorce itself, but rather the terms of your divorce. These terms can be related to:

  • Property
  • Child custody
  • Child support
  • Visitation rights
  • Financial assets
Contested divorces are often more complicated and messier than any other type of family law case. Let a divorce attorney in Round Rock, Texas help you settle matters before they go to trial. Make an appointment with Streltsov Family Law today by calling 512-956-6692.

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